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  Miury’s manual, how not to get your account hacked:


1.: Prevention:
  1.1: Verifying your Steam account
   1.2: Dont accept files from unknown people
   1.3: Dont login to the sites which look exactly like Steam
   1.4: Never tell your password to anyone

2. Examples:
  2.1:  Keylogging of your account
   2.2: Imitations of Steam websites
   2.3: The fake workers of Steam/Valve

3. When is too late:
  3.1: Contacting Steam Support
   3.2: Your account obtains VAC bans

4. Recapitulation:
   4.1: What mistakes did Miury do?

1. Prevention

1.1: Verifying your Steam Account:

This is the most important performance. Everybody ought to verify his account, because hacker will not be able to change your password, when hell get into your verified account. During every change of your password or email the code arrives to your email address and you need to assign it to Steam to validate the change. If the hacker does not know this code, youll be able to get into your account and even change your email or password.

How to verify your account?
I am sorry I am forwarding you to the site of other community. Ill make my own manual how to verify your account, when Ill get some time.

1.2: Dont accept files from unknown people:

If some unknown person wants to send you a file, dont open it or even save it to your computer. There is a high possibility of attached keylogger in this file. I recommend you to check each file with the antivirus, which should detect it.

If you still do not know what keylogger is, Wikipedia ought to help you enough:

1.3: Dont login to the sites which look exactly like Steam:

Remember, the only website of the Steam is:, or perhaps Steam Community:
If someone will send you the link to another site, whichs design looks exactly like the Steams one and will tell you to login, because youll, for example, get some game for free, erase this person and get out of the site as fast as possible. Once you login to such a site, youll not be able to login to your Steam account, because its the keylogger.

1.4: Never tell your password to anyone:

And the easiest and the most transparent method how to get your account is to impersonate the Steam Administrator. Hell just write they are adding the new games into the accounts of there is some mess with your account and he needs to check it out, or he will disable it. You scare and give him your username  and password and the account is his.

Remember, the workers of Steam or Valve will never want your password, they have it saved into their database.

2. Examples:

2.1: Keylogging of your account:

Someone unknown (usually) contacts you to verify some site, and he will force you to login. After you login, there comes the keylogger into your computer and youll lose your account soon. The other way is the person sends you some file, picture, or anything, which has the keylogger attached. Ill make my own pictures soon.

2.2: Imitations of Steam websites:


2.3: The fake workers of Steam/Valve:


If you want to look at some more scam attempts, look at this page:

3. When is too late

3.1: Contacting Steam Support:

When you lose your unverified account or you have it verified, even your email address is hacked, its very important to write to Steam through the Steam Support Center as soon as possible: If you dont have Steam Support account, you have to create it. I highly recommend you your username and password were different from your username and password on your Steam account. Steam will replies you, unfortunately, in 3 days, so if the hacker will cheats with the detected cheats on your account, you are lost (see 3.2), but if he sold your account or used it by himself, there is a high chance to get it back without any cheating infractions. Thats why I recommend you to to put following information into the message to Steam: Username, Proof of Purchases (look through your email/retail keys and put there everything youve got to prove you are the owner of the account) , Original email (if you have it after these years) and your credit card information (if you bought any games from Steam Store) . It will speed up the communication between you and Steam.

3.2: Your account obtains VAC bans:

There is, unfortunately, the only way and its to buy an account. If the VAC ban is only on Source (VAC2) engine and you play VAC1, you can keep your account, but the VAC Status: Ban(s)? on record will corrupt your profile forever. The purchase of the all games will take a high amount of money. So make sure you verify your account!

4. Recapitulation

4.1: What mistakes did Miury do?:

Hi guys,
I am sorry to tell you my Steam account just got hacked by some pitiful guy. He seemed like a nice guy and when he sent me the file of his screenshot from Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare, I opened it and now I know it was the keylogger , but its too late. I am not able to log into my account now, so please dont talk to this guy who did it and dont even accept his files! I bet they all have keyloggers attached and hell probably want to continue with hacking. Block him immediately!

After reading this manual we can recapitulate the Miury’s mistakes:

1.) The first and fatal mistake was that he had not verified his email, thats why he was not able to get into his account.

2.) The second mistake was he accepted an unknown person to his friendlist.

3.) And the third one was he accepted the file from this person. The friendly looking person may not be as friendly as he looks.

Thank you for your attention and I do hope this manual was useful for you. I will update it continously and Ill inform you about the new changes as soon as possible.
